Author Archives: Marian Kennedy

Dublin Staff Relay 2014

36 AIT staff participated in the Dublin Staff Relay last Thursday in the Phoenix Park. In fact, AIT were defending champions from 2013 and the team also claimed third place in 2012. This magnificent event is four years in operation and AIT has competed every year. We claimed an impressive 4th place this year from

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AIT To Host FAI National Futsal Cup Final

We are hosting the National FAI Futsal Cup Final in AIT tomorrow. How about this for a day of football? 11am-1pm Schoolboys Futsal Competition at AIT International Arena 2pm-3pm National FAI Futsal Cup Final at AIT International Arena, Adults €5, Kids/OAPs Free entry. Eden Futsal v FCG Dublin. 5pm Combined Counties Cup Final St. Peters

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Intervarsity Triathlon Championships

TriAthy to host Intervarsity National Championships The 2014 Intervarsity Championships is set to be held in Athy on Saturday 31st of May. The Championships will be raced over the sprint distance with athletes completing a 750m swim in the river Barrow, followed by a 20km flat and fast bike ride before taking on a 5km

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